Sunday, May 1, 2011

"Nursing Informatics, A Key To Dramatic Transformation"

 Now in this changing world we try everyday to make our

life better and more efficient ways to cope in our daily battle of
diseases.To be able to provide good and better health care, we take
caution on giving appropriate method in managing patients wellfare.
Technology is one solution in this growing needs in providing quality
nurse care to the patient. it has a great importance in today's modern
health care. It is also essential in giving more effective ways to

support the health of the people worldwide, that nurses carried out in
performing their duties and also use their knowledge to broaden the
scope in enhancing informatics ability in professional practice.
            Thus, informatics was used in many fields in science and
in many country, because it is a co-related to nformation
science,computer science and health care. It enhance individual and
population health outcomes, improve care and strengthen the
clinician-patient relationship. It means that nurses should use their
knowledge of patient care combined with their understanding the
concepts,methods, and health informatic tools. Which promote patient
care that is safe, efficient, effective, timely, patient-centered and

          Really, we can benefit all from this modern developing
technology that improves our overall health care industry. Though the
nursing students/nurses are computer literate there is still a
tremendous need to study and improve their general information/skills
towards Information Technology(IT). That's why it's vital for health
practitioners to make use of nursing informatics effectively and
accurately. For this is the key in transforming health management in
the modern ways.

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