Monday, May 23, 2011


 Nursing informatics in the Philippines is still in the state of infancy. Here in our country it is still in the process of achieving our goal in making health setting effective and efficient. Now health setting in other Asian countries are improving and upgrading nursing informatics, whereas here in the Philippines there is a massive need to embrace the changes between the gap in nursing informatics and nursing practice.

There are lots of factor influencing the management in implementing nursing informatics in health care.

v  One of the challenges in nursing informatics is a need of active participation in expediting the developing NI in the Philippines.
v   Second, health education problems. Even though it is already part of the curriculum “CMO no.14” we still lack instructors that are major in informatics and also school of nursing are still in the edge of imagining/assuming of technology used in informatics.
v  Re-nationalization of hospitals. The hospitals should take should one step at a time to adapt informatics in improving health care in the Philippines.

                         Medical field in the Philippines should have the realization and knowledge of the benefits brought by the new health technology. Here are also some of the issues that must be given attention of the said changes:

Ø  Implementing policies and management of information technology towards the development of informatics.
Ø  Environmental awareness of the clinical practitioners.
Ø  Maximizing the potentials of the nurses through implementation of what they have learned on NI.
Ø  Inclusion of national budget is a crucial process of the government financial capacity. NI application is not the first priority for there are superior problems that   should be given main concern.

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